Sunday, May 6th, was a day of land travel and airport shuttles. Brenda & I left Crystal River around 11:00 Sunday morning and drove Bob & Phillis' car to St Petersburg. Since we had time before Brenda's 4:40 flight to Springfield we decided to run by Cathy's for a quick visit and do a load of laundry. After dropping Brenda off at the airport I turned around and headed back to Cathy's to wait for Everett's 9:45PM flight to arrive. Everett was on time and since it was late in the evening, and Cathy offered, we headed back over to Cathy's and spent the night.
Everett & I left Cathy's about 9:00 Monday morning and took a quick side trip over the Skyline Bridge. This bridge, which is 9 miles long and at least 200' tall, runs south from St Pete and spans Tampa Bay. After doing the bridge tour we headed back north toward Crystal River, which included a lunch stop at Cracker Barrel. As we got close to Crystal River we found a great fresh fruit & veggie stand so we stopped and got some supplies for our trip to Demopolis.
After arriving back at Bob & Phillis' we dinghied back over to "Life's2Short" for a quiet afternoon on the boat. On our way back to the boat Everett had his first sighting of a manatee mom & her baby, let Everett's water adventure begin! About 5:00 Monday evening Bob hailed us on the VHF radio and was on his way out for a visit. After a few cocktails Bob headed back home, but not before he invited us to dinner at his home the following night. After Bob took off Everett & I had pork chops on the bar-be and called it an early evening.
Tuesday we decided to take the dinghy out for a tour of Kings Bay so Everett could get a better view of the fresh water springs & manatees that surround this beautiful anchorage. After spotting a number of manatee we stopped at the Ale House for a quick Bloody Mary. While at the Ale House we noticed that they had a live video feed that you could look up on the Internet. If you go to you can see the view we had from the outside dining area.
After our dinghy tour we decided that some afternoon reading and a nap were in order. Late that afternoon I fired up the generator only to discover that it was overheating. I donned my mask & snorkel and went overboard and found that the freshwater intake screen had plugged up with barnacles. After cleaning out the screen the generator ran fine and we were back in the business of making electricity, only to have the screen plug up again when it sucked some sea grass a short while later. Needless to say I was back overboard cleaning the screen once again.
We headed over to Bob & Phillis' about 5:30, borrowed their car and went to the grocery store for a few more supplies as we were planning on pulling out the next day. After returning from shopping we were treated to an OUTSTANDING dinner of smoked pork loin, fresh salad, pasta Alfredo (with Phillis' world famous Alfredo sauce!) and fresh Key Lime pie for dessert. Thanks again Mercers for another wonderful culinary experience!!!
After dinner it was decided that Bob would join us boys tomorrow & tomorrow night for our first leg of the adventure, a 40 mile off-shore trip to Cedar Key. I dinghied in Wednesday morning to pick up Bob and the three of us got underway about 10:00. "Bimini Bob" was Captain for the day, Everett was given the title of "Apprentice Seaman" and I was just along for the ride... a nice change of pace! We arrived in Cedar Key about 3:00, dropped anchor, lowered the dinghy, and headed over to town to play tourist. It was pretty quiet in town but we did manage to find a local tavern called Coconuts where we had a few beers and shared stories of life on the water.
Bimini Bob Mercer & Seaman Hayes take Life's2Short out of Kings Bay and into the Crystal River as we head to Cedar Key.
The 3 Muskateers at Coconuts, my what a handsome group!
Sunset over Cedar Key.
After returning to "Life's2Short" we noticed a kayaker paddling her way toward us, against the wind, and very worn out. After arriving at the boat she informed us that her friend was about a half mile behind her and had given up trying to paddle against the wind. Cap'n Todd jumped in the dinghy and ran out to her, tied the kayak to the dinghy and towed them back to shore. After our macho sea rescue we sat down to a wonderful dinner of fresh curry that Bob had brought with him aboard the boat. The Captain gave up his bedroom to Bimini Bob for the night and slept on the flybridge, which worked out very well.
Thursday morning we said our goodbyes and dinghied Bob back over to shore to meet Phillis who had driven from Crystal River to pick him up. We pulled anchor and got underway about 9:00; our destination was Steinhatchee, FL, 55 miles to the north. Today Everett graduated from Apprentice Seaman to Captain and spent the whole day manning the helm and keeping us on course, and a fine job he did!
We arrived in Steinhatchee about 4:00 and tied up to an open dock that Mike & Mary ("What Daze It") had told us about. Showers & naps were then in order as we planned to go out for dinner that evening. About 6:00 we walked over to Fiddler's which is a local seafood & steak house. The meal was fair but we enjoyed each others company and not having to cook or clean up. Since we were low on ice for the boat cooler, our waitress was more than happy to bring a nice large bag of ice with our dinner bill. Since we planned to make the Gulf crossing the next day, we called it an early evening with plans to get up at daybreak.
Captain Everett takes over the controls.
Friday started off earlier than the Captain liked, about 4:00AM he awakened with the boat listing to starboard?? Overnight we had northeast winds which helped push water out of the Steinhatchee Basin so at low tide "Life's2Short" was actually sitting on the bottom. Not to worry however since the tide started to come back in by 5:00 and by our 7:00AM take-off time we were once again afloat.
Prior to leaving, and knowing it was going to be a long day, Everett prepared crockpot chicken so we would have a hot meal ready for us when we arrived at our anchorage late that afternoon. Today is what we cruisers refer to as "The Crossing", in this case an 88 mile open water cruise from Steinhatchee FL to St George Island, FL. The seas started out calm but by 10:00 they were running 3 to 4 feet and were off our stern which always makes for a "fun" ride. Thankfully by 2:00 the seas had once again calmed for the rest of the trip.
After the seas calmed Everett spotted a huge sea turtle that was floating on the surface, as we neared she dove deep. Everett also decided to bow-ride for the first time since the seas calmed, it was a Titanic moment as he felt like "The king of the world!"
The King, complete with motion sickness wristbands.
The Galley Wench helps prepare salad for dinner.
About 1:00 I went down into the "Holy Place", also known as the engine room, to check on the engines and noticed that my port side transmission was slinging quite a bit of transmission fluid. So for the rest of the day I visited the Holy Place about every 2 hours and replenished the fluid we were losing. With all the wildfires burning in southeast Georgia & northern Florida, "Life's2Short" has been experiencing smoke filled days ever since we left Crystal River. Today was by far the worst smoke filled day we have had, by the time we were finishing up the crossing visibility was less than a quarter-mile.
We arrived at St George Island about 5:00, more than ready to drop the anchor for the evening. Since it was still fairly early in the evening we decided to put the dinghy down and run over to the island so Everett could enjoy running his delicate toes in the white sandy beach. The crockpot chicken was dished up after our trip to St George Island, the dishes washed, and then made a few phone calls to let family & friends know that we had made it safely across the Gulf. It was early to bed as we were pretty worn out after our action packed day.
Today is Saturday and we are back in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, happy to be here given that we have decided to do the rest of the trip (470 miles) on one engine. I have determined that the issue with the transmission leak is the rear seal, the same seal I replaced last fall on Lake Guntersville. Fortunately I ordered two seals last fall so when we get to Demopolis I'll have everything I need to replace the seal... again.
Since today's agenda will take us to White City, a trip of only 30 miles, we slept in late and had a nice hot breakfast of bacon & eggs. We got underway about 10:00 headed for Miller Marina in Apalachicola to take on fuel and water, get ice for the adult beverages, and hose down "Life's2Short" which had a pretty good coating of saltwater on her from the waves splashing on the bow earlier this week.
We arrived in White City about 4:00, just in time to see the local bass club pull in after their Saturday tournament, something the Captain has missed since living aboard. White City has a wonder free city dock, there is no power or water but it has a beautiful set of docks located at the city park. After getting the boat secured Todd & Everett promptly went over to watch the bass club's weigh-in, no big fish but it seemed that most guys caught some fish.
The bass they catch are indeed Black Bass which live in the brackish waters of this area, I had not realized that Black Bass could live in brackish water. There were also a number of families fishing from the shore in this area and it didn't take the Captain long to meet some new friends. I was interested in talking to one of the families about fishing however they were more interested in learning about our lifestyle.
After trading stories I invited one of the families to come aboard and see just what "Life's2Short" has to offer. The little girls were amazed at all the room and creature comforts we have on board and the dads were quite impressed with the Holy Place and the navigation equipment on the flybridge. About the time the family left the boat we heard thunder and it wasn't long until we had a nice cooling evening shower, a final rain-water rinse for "Life's2Short!" After the rain we barbecued some burgers on the grill and spent the evening hours reading & relaxing.
Tied up at White City.
Our new friends and boat guests in White City.
We got underway on Sunday about 7:00 as we had another long, 70 mile day ahead of us. Today was Everett's day to be "Captain for the Day"! He did great and operated the boat for the entire trip. I have to tell you it's pretty nice just riding along and not having to worry about what's going on ahead of us. Shortly after we left White City we were treated to a beautiful bald eagle sitting in a tree top along the river bank. We also spotted large pods of dolphins today which are always a treat when you are underway.
Our destination today is Smack Bayou, an anchorage we have not visited yet but one that "What Daze It" highly recommended. We arrived at Smack Bayou about 2:00 and were not disappointed. Even though there were two boats in the bayou which had sunk in a previous storm, it was scenic and very well protected from the weather. After arriving Everett promptly took a nap while Todd did some fishing from the swim platform, only to hook the big one that got away! I kid you not, whatever type of fish it was it was big enough to straighten 2 hooks and straighten out the stainless steel snap-ring. Everett is my witness as I still had the lure to prove to him how big it was... after he awakened from his beauty-sleep, that is.
Late in the afternoon we put the dinghy down a did a tour of Smack Bayou and the area around the entrance to the anchorage. After returning to the boat Everett decided that it was time for his first-ever outdoor shower on the back swimdeck, that was my clue to get back in the dinghy and go out fishing. ;-) After returning from fishing I too realized that I was way overdue for a shower. There is nothing like showering ala naturale in the great out-of-doors!
It's also important to note here that Everett & I made a pact last week when he first arrived that we would not shave until we got back to Springfield. Needless to say we are looking a wee bit scruffy. I appear grayer than the last time I had facial hair, I can't imagine why since the last time I had facial hair was back in college.
It sprinkled again this afternoon prior to dinner, which consisted of some wonderful homemade lasagna that Brenda had prepared prior to her trip home. Everett has now been on board for over a week and is really enjoying himself. I wonder how Nila feels about becoming a live-a-board??
Who is this guy, honorary Captain or refugee?
Monday morning dawned hazy & smoky again in our anchorage, those must be some huge wildfires. We pulled anchor, which came up shiny & clean, about 6:30 and headed west toward our next anchorage at Mary Ester. Today was going to be another 70 mile day on the water so we were happy to be underway while the air was still cool. The day on the water was pretty uneventful but we were able to see the pretty shorelines of Panama City, Destin and Fort Walton Beach.
We arrived at Mary Ester around 3:30, dropped anchor, put the dinghy down again and promptly jumped in the saltwater for a little cool-down. I went out and fished for a while and caught saltwater catfish, Ladyfish and Spanish Mackerel. However none of those fish are good to eat so it looks like we won't have fresh fish for dinner.
About sunset a bunch of kids in a ski boat came out to wakeboard in the anchorage which was very entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, there was another small trawler anchored in the bay when we arrived. Late in the afternoon the lady of the boat came out and started walking laps around the boat. She would go clockwise for 10 minutes and then "unwind" and go counterclockwise for another 10 minutes. It was quite funny as I had never seen anybody "lap the boat" for exercise. We had a nice dinner of barbecued chicken and then hit the hay early.
A smoky shot of the Gulf Intracostal Waterway.
Tuesday morning we woke up and felt like breaking a federal law by trespassing on Air Force property. For those of you following our blog you might remember that this past December Brenda & I were in this same anchorage and when we walked across the sand dunes to see the Gulf we were stopped and told by an Air Force security guard that we were trespassing on Air Force land and that we could be ticketed and/or arrested.
The beaches on the Gulf side are beautiful and when the tide is out you can find some nice shells & sand dollars. We dinghied to shore about 7:00am and hiked across the dunes to find a very rough Gulf and high tide, needless to say we didn't find many shells. After spending an hour on the beach we hiked back to the dinghy without meeting any men in blue. We pulled anchor about 9:00 and were on our way west on the Intracostal, destination Ingram Bayou.
Around the noon hour we realized that we were running low on bread & ice, two of the three main staples a couple of bachelors need, the other item being cerveza! We had read in Skipper Bob's cruising guide that there was a great market & marina in Little Sabine Bay at Pensacola Beach. We radioed Beach Marina as we were approaching and they had no issue with us tying up while we did a little shopping. I was really, really impressed with the market and will surely stop there again. They had fresh meats & cheeses, great looking fruit & produce, homemade pizzas and a wine selection that would put a full-service liquor store to shame.
Beach Marina & Market.
After leaving the market we crossed Pensacola Bay to the sights & sounds of the Blue Angels practicing their aerial stunts. It was an incredible show that lasted well over an hour, those folks know how to fly! Everett was captain for the rest of the afternoon and we arrived at Ingram Bayou about 4:00 and spent the evening watching a little TV and cleaning up some leftovers.
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